Sunday, December 5, 2010

My riview Novel (smt 3 )

yeay ... alhamdulilah ... riview novel gw dah selesei ... tapi cuma satu ... yang dua lagi menyusul ( moga cepet kelar dah) bikin riviewnya mah gag terlalu susah, tapi.... bacanya itu loh , huh males bgd !!!! ni tugas yang bikin gw puyeng >>>


Name / Class               :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                             : The Marriage Contract
Author                         : Alexandra Jones
Publisher                     : Scarlet, 1997
Pages                           : 388

            I chose this novel because the title of this novel was familiar and I think that can make me easy in reading this novel, but the story was different from others. The novel tells about the man the name was Stuart who was married with Olivia because of the contract they didn’t love each other, but in over time they fell in love.           

According to me the best character of this novel is Stuart because he was kind, handsome, and loyal. He worked hard for his wife and children. And he try to be survive although her wife don’t care of him and the children. But his wife Olivia she was a workaholic, selfish and ambitious. She wanted to develop her father’s company but her way was wrong she didn’t pay to her husband and her children.

            I really enjoyed the best part of this novel is when Stuart went bankrupt, because the company where he did got a problem. Than it makes her wife Olivia aware that wealth isn’t everything but their happiness is beyond everything. 
            And the conclusion from this novel is if we want to reach something we have to work hard but when we didn’t reach it don’t be disappointed because that isn’t the last of our live. Like Stuart who failed in raising her Company but he tried to change his live become better.        

tau dah ... salah apa bener yang penting mah satu selesei ... ( huh )           


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