Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gw Melankolis Atau Cengeng Sih ???
Arggggh … pengen rasanya gw teriak … air mata gw mungkin udah basi , air mata lu tuh gag bakal bisa nyelesein masalah lu, V !!! Think positively and all will be ok!!! right … tapi , gw jg gag tw , air mata gw tiba2 keluar ajah tanpa gw undang , sebenernya gw malu , kayanya masalahnya sepele … tapi gw sedih , gw marah, gw kesel, gw benci ama diri gw sendiri, ketika orang bisa mengungkapkan dan mencurahkan perasaannya sama orang tua mereka,, tapi gw gag bisa.  Bahkan gw jg gag bisa marah sama adek gw, gw sayang dia, gw sayang ibu, gw sayang ayah... makanya kalau gw marah atau gw kesel yang bisa gw keluarin hanya air mata gw yang gag akan pernah habis ini .

Gw mencoba menjadi kakak yang baik, dewasa, dan sayang sama adek gw.. tapi kayanya itu belum ada didiri gw .. gw egois,gw keras, gw kepala batu,gw gag dewasa ,dan gw cengeng, apa yang diharapkan dari kakak kaya gw coba???? Tapiii kalau boleh jujur gw sayang banget sama adek gw .. bahkan melebihi sayang gw ke ibu gw .. mungkin karna dari kecil gw sama adek gw mulu kali yah !!!!

Kalau saja mulut gw bisa berani ngomong didepan adek gw atau semua orang yang pernah gw sakitin,, gw minta maap !!!! 1000x maaf gw banyak salah, gw belum bisa jadi seperti yang diharapkan, gw dengan segala kekurangan gw hanya bisa berusaha buat jadi orang yang bisa menutupi kekuranganya.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

ngawur :D

udah lama gw gag nulis di blog ... gag tw lah mw nulis apah .. tapiii yang pasti hari ini gw cape bgd ...capeee bgd  CAPE DEG DEGAN hahahahhaha LOL :) :) :D
lagian bu dosen reading ( re: yang nyuruh baca novel) yang tugasnya bikin gw puyeng gag ketulungan .. dari kemaren kaga dateng2.. " kan qta nuggguin miss"  yakkz nugguin biar tuh novel kelar, lagian kan cape tiap malem (kalw besoknya mw maju) kudu baca2 lagi ... disiapin and diapalin lagi ... "masalahnya otak gw pas pasan miss " dan intinya pengen cepet kelar lahhh ... tapi apa daya dari 2 hari kemaren nunggu dikelas selama 2 jam kaga ada hasilnya ,, yang ada deg degan setengah mati ... (kalo kata tmen gw : " ampe kapan nih deg2an??? ni masalahnya detakan jantung gw limited edition") wkwkwkwk Ade sarap !!!!  
trusss ... ditambah ade gw tadi pagi marah2 kaga jelas, gw mah bela2in nelpon mani di carekan siga lain ka lanceuk ... sedih euy ...  hahahaha apakali gw ... gw cuma nanya ada apa dirumah,si ibu nyuruh gw balik.. masalahnya kalo gag penting2 amat kan gw kaga balik, males dirumah, gag penting, gag ada yang ngarepin gw, dan gw jg gag ngarepin apa2 ... hehehe
tapi ... ambil hikmahnya aja lah .. " Tomorrow would be better than today " Ameen !!!!  

Sunday, December 12, 2010


alhamdulilah, tugas gw sedikit berkurang ... semoga hasilnya memuaskan dan gag mengecewakan. amiiinnn   


Name / Class                :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                              : The Marriage Contract
Author                         : Alexandra Jones
Publisher                      : Scarlet, 1997
Pages                           : 388

            I chose this novel because the title of this novel was familiar and I think that can make me easy in reading this novel, but the story was different from others. The novel tells about the man the name was Stuart who was married with Olivia because of the contract, actually they didn’t love each other, but in over time they fell in love.    

According to me the best character of this novel is Stuart because he was kind, handsome, and loyal. He worked hard for his wife and children. And he tried to be survive although her wife doesn’t care of him and the children. But his wife Olivia she was a workaholic, selfish and ambitious. She wanted to develop her father’s company but her way was wrong she didn’t pay to her husband and her children.

            I really enjoyed the best part of this novel is when Stuart went bankrupt, because the company where he did got a problem. Than it makes her wife Olivia aware that wealth isn’t everything but their happiness is beyond everything. 
            And the value that we can get from this novel is if we want to reach something, we have to work hard but when we didn’t reach it don’t be disappointed because that isn’t the last of our live. Like Stuart who failed to make his wife proud of his job and make his wife company developed.


Name / Class                :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                              : Open Wings 
Author                         : Barbara Cartland   
Publisher                      : Hutchinson 
Pages                           : 253

            The title of this novel is Open Wings. This novel tells about the man the name was Jimmy who was met with Lorna in the garden. Jimmy wanted to help Lorna bringing the cherry from the garden to her house, and in overtime they fell in love. But in other Michael also fell in love to Lorna and Sally loved to Jimmy.  But because they (Jimmy and Lorna) were very love each other and then they got married.
            According to me the best character from this novel is Jimmy he was good looking, kind, loyal, and patient person. And the character which I don’t like is Sally she was Lorna’s cousin but she was concerned troubled her relationship with Jimmy. 
            And the best part of this novel is when Lorna came back to Jimmy’s house but Jimmy had to go for his duty as an aerodrome. And she waited him all day and all time, after that she got the news that her husband got an accident he was shot by a person. And he was blind. So he felt useless and angry to her wife, he just wanted to make her wife hate him and then leave him. She felt sad and depressed but she always been there beside her husband all the time because she was love, adore and admire him forever.
             I think this novel is good, because this novel teach us that love is a powerful just like Lorna who was strong to solve her problem and live happily with her husband just because she kept her love.


Name / Class                :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                              : Mistress Mellyn
Author                          : Victoria Holt
Publisher                      : Fawcett Crest Books,
Pages                           : 240

The title of this novel is Mistress Mellyn. This novel tells about Martha Leigh the heroine who entered as a governess in a wealthy family living in a mysterious house called Mellyn Manor. She's given the responsibility of Alvean Tremellyn, the daughter of Conan Tremellyn. Martha is drawn to the mysteries and secrets that lie behind Conan's wife's mysterious death.
The best character of this novel is Martha Leigh, She was a gentlewoman in penurious circumstances. Having failed to marry by the age of twenty-four, a governess's position is her only other option. Martha described as plain, with brown eyes that she has been told are too bold. And she did have a bold personality, but the character that I don’t like is Conan Tremellyn he was an arrogant, cold and mysterious.
The best part of this novel is when Martha knew that Connan's wife, Alice, was killed the year before in a train accident. It seems she was running off with her lover at the time. But all is not as it seems. Martha discovers clues that suggest perhaps something else happened to Alice. When strange things begin happening in the manor, Martha determines to uncover the truth.
I think this novel is interesting enough not to put down.  The mystery  gives me a surprise at the end. I enjoyed it greatly because it is very stressful and makes me wonder because this novel is full of mysteries and secrets of a stressful.

Friday, December 10, 2010

" it was drove me crazy "

I never imagined that learning is full of struggle what I know learning is fun, but i tis really driving me crazy and stressful, I try to survive somehow in any way. But at least I've done the best for me, my mother and all the people I love. 

this night, i've done my Fuck Assignment, (emm, but i'm not really this was finished out). I just read 2 novel from 3 which have my lecture asked. I eventually had to write freely ( not all )and this is my destroyed assignment 


Name / Class               :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                             : The Marriage Contract
Author                         : Alexandra Jones
Publisher                     : Scarlet, 1997
Pages                           : 388

            I chose this novel because the title of this novel was familiar and I think that can make me easy in reading this novel, but the story was different from others. The novel tells about the man the name was Stuart who was married with Olivia because of the contract they didn’t love each other, but in over time they fell in love.           

According to me the best character of this novel is Stuart because he was kind, handsome, and loyal. He worked hard for his wife and children. And he try to be survive although her wife don’t care of him and the children. But his wife Olivia she was a workaholic, selfish and ambitious. She wanted to develop her father’s company but her way was wrong she didn’t pay to her husband and her children.

            I really enjoyed the best part of this novel is when Stuart went bankrupt, because the company where he did got a problem. Than it makes her wife Olivia aware that wealth isn’t everything but their happiness is beyond everything. 
            And the conclusion from this novel is if we want to reach something we have to work hard but when we didn’t reach it don’t be disappointed because that isn’t the last of our live. Like Stuart who failed in raising her Company but he tried to change his live become better.        

                        NOVEL REVIEW 1

Name / Class               :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                             : Open Wings 
Author                         : Barbara Cartland   
Publisher                     : Hutchinson 
Pages                           : 253

            The title of this novel is Open Wings. This novel tells about the man the name was Jimmy who was met with Lorna in the garden. Jimmy wanted to help Lorna bringing the cherry from the garden to her house, and in overtime they fell in love. But in other Michael also fell in love to Lorna and Sally loved to Jimmy.  But because they (Jimmy and Lorna) were very love each other and then they got married. 

            According to me the best character from this novel is Jimmy he was good looking, kind, loyal, and patient person. And the character which I don’t like is Sally she was Lorna’s cousin but she was concerned troubled her relationship with Jimmy.  

            And the best part of this novel is when Lorna came back to Jimmy’s house but Jimmy had to go for his duty as an aerodrome. And she waited him all day and all time, after that she got the news that her husband got an accident he was shot by a person. And he was blind. So he felt useless and angry to her wife, he just wanted to make her wife hate him and then leave him. She felt sad and depressed but she always been there beside her husband all the time because she was love, adore and admire him forever. 

             I think this novel is good, because this novel teach us that Love is a powerful just like Lorna who was strong to solve her problem and live happily with her husband just because she keep her love.


Name / Class               :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                             : Mistress Mellyn
Author                         : Victoria Holt
Publisher                     : Fawcett Crest Books,
Pages                           : 240

The title of this novel is Mistress Mellyn this novel tells about Martha Leigh the heroine who entered as a governess in a wealthy family living in a mysterious house called Mellyn Manor. She's given the responsibility of Alvean Tremellyn, the daughter of Conan Tremellyn. Martha is drawn to the mysteries and secrets that lie behind Conan's wife's mysterious death. 

The best character of this novel is Martha Leigh she was kind, beautiful, responsible, and she was smart, but the character that I don’t like is Conan Tremellyn he was an arrogant, cold and mysterious.
According to me the best part of this novel is when Martha knew who was killed all

I think this novel is very stressful and makes me wonder because this novel is full of mysteries and secrets of a stressful
 yang terakhir belum kelar ... huhuhuhu (cry out )

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Miss You ... Dad !!!!

Biasanya, bagi seorang anak perempuan yang sudah dewasa, anak perempuan yang sedang bekerja diperantauan, anak perempuan yang ikut suaminya merantau di luar kota atau luar negeri, anak perempuan yang sedang bersekolah atau kuliah jauh dari kedua orang tuanya…..akan sering merasa kangen sekali dengan ibunya.

Lalu bagaimana dengan Ayah?

Mungkin karena ibu lebih sering menelepon untuk menanyakan keadaanmu setiap hari, tapi tahukah kamu, jika ternyata ayah-lah yang mengingatkan Ibu untuk menelponmu?

Mungkin dulu sewaktu kamu kecil, Ibu-lah yang lebih sering mengajakmu bercerita atau berdongeng, tapi tahukah kamu, bahwa sepulang Ayah bekerja dan dengan wajah lelah Ayah selalu menanyakan pada Ibu tentang kabarmu dan apa yang kau lakukan seharian?
Pada saat dirimu masih seorang anak perempuan kecil…… Ayah biasanya mengajari putri kecilnya naik sepeda. Dan setelah Ayah mengganggapmu bisa, Ayah akan melepaskan roda bantu di sepedamu…
Kemudian Ibu bilang : “Jangan dulu Ayah, jangan dilepas dulu roda bantunya” ,
Ibu takut putri manisnya terjatuh lalu terluka….
Tapi sadarkah kamu?
Bahwa Ayah dengan yakin akan membiarkanmu, menatapmu, dan menjagamu mengayuh sepeda dengan seksama karena dia tahu putri kecilnya PASTI BISA.
Pada saat kamu menangis merengek meminta boneka atau mainan yang baru, Ibu menatapmu iba.. Tetapi Ayah akan mengatakan dengan tegas : “Boleh, kita beli nanti, tapi tidak sekarang”
Tahukah kamu, Ayah melakukan itu karena Ayah tidak ingin kamu menjadi anak yang manja dengan semua tuntutan yang selalu dapat dipenuhi?
Saat kamu sakit pilek, Ayah yang terlalu khawatir sampai kadang sedikit membentak dengan berkata :
“Sudah di bilang! kamu jangan minum air dingin!”.
Berbeda dengan Ibu yang memperhatikan dan menasihatimu dengan lembut.
Ketahuilah, saat itu Ayah benar-benar mengkhawatirkan keadaanmu.
Ketika kamu sudah beranjak remaja….
Kamu mulai menuntut pada Ayah untuk dapat izin keluar malam, dan Ayah bersikap tegas dan mengatakan: “Tidak boleh!”.
Tahukah kamu, bahwa Ayah melakukan itu untuk menjagamu?
Karena bagi Ayah, kamu adalah sesuatu yang sangat – sangat luar biasa berharga..
Setelah itu kamu marah pada Ayah, dan masuk ke kamar sambil membanting pintu…
Dan yang datang mengetok pintu dan membujukmu agar tidak marah adalah Ibu….
Tahukah kamu, bahwa saat itu Ayah memejamkan matanya dan menahan gejolak dalam batinnya,
Bahwa Ayah sangat ingin mengikuti keinginanmu, Tapi lagi-lagi dia HARUS menjagamu?
Ketika saat seorang cowok mulai sering menelponmu, atau bahkan datang ke rumah untuk menemuimu,
Ayah akan memasang wajah paling cool sedunia…. :’)
Ayah sesekali menguping atau mengintip saat kamu sedang ngobrol berdua di ruang tamu..
Sadarkah kamu, kalau hati Ayah merasa cemburu?
Saat kamu mulai lebih dipercaya, dan Ayah melonggarkan sedikit peraturan untuk keluar rumah untukmu, kamu akan memaksa untuk melanggar jam malamnya.
Maka yang dilakukan Ayah adalah duduk di ruang tamu, dan menunggumu pulang dengan hati yang sangat khawatir…
Dan setelah perasaan khawatir itu berlarut – larut…
Ketika melihat putri kecilnya pulang larut malam hati Ayah akan mengeras dan Ayah memarahimu.. .
Sadarkah kamu, bahwa ini karena hal yang di sangat ditakuti Ayah akan segera datang?
“Bahwa putri kecilnya akan segera pergi meninggalkan Ayah”
Setelah lulus SMA, Ayah akan sedikit memaksamu untuk menjadi seorang Sarjana.
Ketahuilah, bahwa seluruh paksaan yang dilakukan Ayah itu semata – mata hanya karena memikirkan masa depanmu nanti…
Tapi toh Ayah tetap tersenyum dan mendukungmu saat pilihanmu tidak sesuai dengan keinginan Ayah..
Ketika kamu menjadi gadis dewasa…..Dan kamu harus pergi kuliah dikota lain…
Ayah harus melepasmu di bandara.
Tahukah kamu bahwa badan Ayah terasa kaku untuk memelukmu?
Ayah hanya tersenyum sambil memberi nasehat ini – itu, dan menyuruhmu untuk berhati-hati. .
Padahal Ayah ingin sekali menangis seperti Ibu dan memelukmu erat-erat.
Yang Ayah lakukan hanya menghapus sedikit air mata di sudut matanya, dan menepuk pundakmu berkata “Jaga dirimu baik-baik ya sayang”.
Ayah melakukan itu semua agar kamu KUAT…kuat untuk pergi dan menjadi dewasa.
Disaat kamu butuh uang untuk membiayai uang semester dan kehidupanmu, orang pertama yang mengerutkan kening adalah Ayah.
Ayah pasti berusaha keras mencari jalan agar anaknya bisa merasa sama dengan teman-temannya yang lain.
Ketika permintaanmu bukan lagi sekedar meminta boneka baru, dan Ayah tahu ia tidak bisa memberikan yang kamu inginkan….
Kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Ayah adalah : “Tidak….. Tidak bisa!”
Padahal dalam batin Ayah, Ia sangat ingin mengatakan “Iya sayang, nanti Ayah belikan untukmu”.
Tahukah kamu bahwa pada saat itu Ayah merasa gagal membuat anaknya tersenyum?
Saatnya kamu diwisuda sebagai seorang sarjana.
Ayah adalah orang pertama yang berdiri dan memberi tepuk tangan untukmu.
Ayah akan tersenyum dengan bangga dan puas melihat “putri kecilnya yang tidak manja berhasil tumbuh dewasa, dan telah menjadi seseorang”
Sampai saat seorang teman Lelakimu datang ke rumah dan meminta izin pada Ayah untuk mengambilmu darinya.
Ayah akan sangat berhati-hati memberikan izin..
Karena Ayah tahu……
Bahwa lelaki itulah yang akan menggantikan posisinya nanti.
Dan akhirnya….
Saat Ayah melihatmu duduk di Panggung Pelaminan bersama seseorang Lelaki yang di anggapnya pantas menggantikannya, Ayah pun tersenyum bahagia…..
Apakah kamu mengetahui, di hari yang bahagia itu Ayah pergi kebelakang panggung sebentar, dan menangis?
Ayah menangis karena papa sangat berbahagia, kemudian Ayah berdoa…..
Dalam lirih doanya kepada Tuhan, Ayah berkata:
“Ya Allah, ya Tuhanku …..Putri kecilku yang lucu dan kucintai telah menjadi wanita dewasa yang cantik….
Bahagiakanlah ia bersama suaminya…”
Setelah itu Ayah hanya bisa menunggu kedatanganmu bersama cucu-cucunya yang sesekali datang untuk menjenguk…
Ayah telah menyelesaikan tugasnya menjagamu …..
Ayah, Bapak, atau Abah kita…Adalah sosok yang harus selalu terlihat kuat…
Bahkan ketika dia tidak kuat untuk tidak menangis…
Dia harus terlihat tegas bahkan saat dia ingin memanjakanmu. .
Dan dia adalah yang orang pertama yang selalu yakin bahwa “KAMU BISA” dalam segala hal..

From : "FERDI IAN "

My riview Novel (smt 3 )

yeay ... alhamdulilah ... riview novel gw dah selesei ... tapi cuma satu ... yang dua lagi menyusul ( moga cepet kelar dah) bikin riviewnya mah gag terlalu susah, tapi.... bacanya itu loh , huh males bgd !!!! ni tugas yang bikin gw puyeng >>>


Name / Class               :  Fiqi Azizah Budiarti / PBI  III C
NIM                            : 109014000099
Title                             : The Marriage Contract
Author                         : Alexandra Jones
Publisher                     : Scarlet, 1997
Pages                           : 388

            I chose this novel because the title of this novel was familiar and I think that can make me easy in reading this novel, but the story was different from others. The novel tells about the man the name was Stuart who was married with Olivia because of the contract they didn’t love each other, but in over time they fell in love.           

According to me the best character of this novel is Stuart because he was kind, handsome, and loyal. He worked hard for his wife and children. And he try to be survive although her wife don’t care of him and the children. But his wife Olivia she was a workaholic, selfish and ambitious. She wanted to develop her father’s company but her way was wrong she didn’t pay to her husband and her children.

            I really enjoyed the best part of this novel is when Stuart went bankrupt, because the company where he did got a problem. Than it makes her wife Olivia aware that wealth isn’t everything but their happiness is beyond everything. 
            And the conclusion from this novel is if we want to reach something we have to work hard but when we didn’t reach it don’t be disappointed because that isn’t the last of our live. Like Stuart who failed in raising her Company but he tried to change his live become better.        

tau dah ... salah apa bener yang penting mah satu selesei ... ( huh )